Happy New Year!! And I suppose I should wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas as well! I hope you all had an amazing holiday season, I know we did! Christmas was definitely the best we ever had, so very special. Dad and I went to mass in the morning, followed by the traditional breakfast burritos by Mom. We opened presents, napped, and went to see Les Miserables. The movie was so incredible...but the fact that we brought shrimp cocktail and fritos with onion dip made the movie 10x better. It was a great, great day! We didn't get around to sending out Christmas cards this year so here is our Christmas card picture for your enjoyment:
Typical! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
We took these while celebrating Kristen's 22nd birthday on the 20th. I can't believe she is 22! I tell her all the time and I know she gets so annoyed, but I still feel like she is my 13 year old baby sister!
Yesterday we met with Dr. K at MD Anderson. It was good to see Dr. K again, he was very chipper yesterday. However they did not hear anything from TGen! I was a little disappointed in TGen yesterday, but apparently they sent the paperwork and scans on the 17th... Dr. K had no idea what was going on so we had to fill him in on everything. Long story short, our plan now is to have the biopsy tomorrow and when we get the results go from there. We will tentatively start Taxotera on the 15th depending on what the biopsy shows (remember we are looking to find out specific chemo cocktails that could benefit Dad). Dad has been having some back pain which makes it hard for him to sleep so Dr. K prescribed him some painkillers so he isn't taking a million ibuprofen.
It felt like a lot had change had happened at MD...new nurses, new doctors, and twice as many patients. We could not believe how many people were waiting for blood work, it was insane! Not to fret though we still got to see our favorites Juanita and Christine! I also locked eyes with Jill...muahaha "we'reeeeee baccckkkkkk".
We are ready to take on 2013 and all of the new beginnings it will bring us full force! God has blessed us with a family full of strength and positivity which makes facing any and all new changes easier. Please keep Dad in your prayers tomorrow and in the next few weeks while we are awaiting results. We are so blessed for you all! Xoxo