Hi and welcome to "A Cup of OJ"! This blog is so all of the friends and family of OJ Alexander and keep up to date through his fight against lung cancer. Thank you for stopping by and showing your support for him!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hi all!

It has been quite the few weeks here in Alexander-land. Dad was scheduled for his biopsy on this adrenal tumor on the 5th. Dad had to be there at 630 am to check in...but we got there and realized we never asked where "there" was. It was clearly not MD Anderson because the security guard was not about to let us in anytime soon so we made our way to Banner Gateway where we were thankfully supposed to be. Cindy and I got to go back with him until they wheeled him back...and let me tell you, he was lookin GOOD!

The biopsy was a CT guided needle biopsy where they basically use the CT scan to make sure the needle has obtained the tumor cells needed. The procedure took a little over an hour, but then he had to sit in recovery for two hours. Don't worry, he tried to sweet talk to nurses into letting him out early about 5 minutes into recovery.

Dad munchin on graham crackers and coke in recovery
5 minutes later we were out!

Dad was nice enough to share

Once released, Dad could hardly feel the spot where they did the biopsy unless he sat down forcefully. Woot!

Uncle John flew in last Monday night which is always exciting for us! Dad and Uncle John played golf on Tuesday for Cunningham's birthday and they had a great time especially since the weather has cooled off!

Well, Wednesday rolled around and we got a call in the morning from Jill, our nurse navigator. She was calling to let us know that the biopsy results were not ready and we were going to have to reschedule for next week. WHAT! We were all really confused so we got a hold of Jill again to ask why (in worries they had found something they weren't telling us and needed to do more tests). She let us know that they are specialized tests that take longer and they shouldn't have scheduled the appointment for that day in the first place. Although frustrated for the lack of notice, communication and answers we realized we couldn't do much other than feast and wait until this week. 

Dinner after the appointment cancellation

Uncle John flew back into town this week (we seriously could get used to him being here!) for yesterday's appointment. Dad got a call from Jill the nurse navigator letting him know that the test results were still not back and that we should call back Tuesday to see if they are done. Excuse me? They aren't done? WE have to call? Oh boy were my insides burning. I was actually already at MD Anderson yesterday getting some school work done so I packed up my things and went to get some answers...shout out to all who were the innocent bystanders during this process...

To make a long story short I had gotten a hold of the biopsy results and tracked down Jill to ask why I was holding results in my hand yet they were saying the results weren't done. She informed me that I was holding the preliminary biopsy results and they need to do tests on the tumor cells to determine the best "chemo cocktail" to target the tumors. She proceeded to tell me that they actually haven't even started the tests because the lab is so backed up with other labs.

I completely lost it and was so angry and frustrated that a lack of man power was what was keeping my Dad from getting treatment. I can completely understand that things happen and if they needed a few extra days, fine...but TWO WEEKS!? Absolutely inexcusable not just for my Dad but for any patient. These patients are here fighting for their life so to have just wasted two weeks of time over an issue such as this completely infuriated me.

I left MD Anderson with a lot less hope in the staff than I had going in so I contacted Mike, the Administrator of Banner MD Anderson/Gateway that we had breakfast with a few months ago, to make him aware of the situation in hopes he could fix this problem for future patients. Today, I received both a phone call and an email from Mike. He was completely appalled and said lack of employees should not be and is not an issue because he has the funding to hire many more if needed. Without going into full details of the conversation I will say we had a great chat and he is going to be following up with me tomorrow after he gets to the bottom of the situation. Next week we WILL have results and we WILL have a new treatment plan for Dad...stay tuned folks.

Other fun stuff that has been going on in Alexander-land? Dad is the mass intention for the 8pm mass at the ASU Newman Center for the month of September! I can't even put into words how incredible it is to hear Dad's name be called as the mass intention knowing that everyone in the church at that moment is praying for him. Dad and Cindy attended with me this past Sunday and it was one of my most special memories! If anyone wants to join me 9/23 or 9/30, let me know :)

Also, Dad is going to start volunteering as a golf coach for the Mountain Pointe Girl's Golf Team!!!! I AM SO EXCITED THIS IS FINALLY HAPPENING! I had been trying since July to get in contact with the DV Athletics Director, with no response, but I finally heard from the MP coaches last week. Dad met with Pete Monday and he is going to start the paperwork tomorrow so he can help out the tail end of the season and the off season!! Dad is so great with kids, loves golf, and just so happens to be not working so it was just a no brainier on how perfect this would be!

Through all the frustrations we are still so incredibly blessed and I know God has a great, great plan ahead for Dad. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support, it always means so much! Will keep you posted on how next week goes!

1 comment:

LouAnn Alexander said...

That's my girl - give 'em hell Layne - and thank you for being THE BEST advocate for Dad!!