Hi and welcome to "A Cup of OJ"! This blog is so all of the friends and family of OJ Alexander and keep up to date through his fight against lung cancer. Thank you for stopping by and showing your support for him!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Beating the Odds

hello hello! Well Dad has been doing GREAT since the first chemo! It's like he hasn't had chemo at all it's amazing! Last week Dad had an appointment with Dr. Weiss on Monday. No one was going to be able to go but sneaky me went and surprised him. We talked movies with the nursing staff while getting his blood work done and then we met with Dr. Weiss. It was a short appointment but Dr. Weiss was very pleased with how Dad was doing. He reiterated that we continue on the path that we are on until December 13th (I think...) when we rescan and then we will go from there. Obviously good results showing no growth will allow him to continue with the DKK drug and if there is growth then we will get a biopsy and send the tissue to the lab for another chemo option.

Last week Dad went on the annual golf trip he goes on with Uncle John and his friends. They were there Wednesday-Saturday and had so much fun. Since I love tooting Dad's horn, he played AWESOME. He shot in the 60's the whole week and one day was 5 under par! (Insert the song "Can't Touch This")
Uncle John & Dad

The group
Today was Dad's second chemo. It went really well and they even gave Dad offsite privileges! Around 1030 they came in and told us we could come and go as we please until 430 when Dad had to be back for blood work. We were all a little surprised and I honestly forgot to ask why they didn't need to do blood work every two hours this time but we weren't complaining! Before we left for lunch, Joy the poodle came by and paid us a visit. She was very nice and I hope she comes back next time :)

Other than that I really don't have much to report. Dad and I had breakfast on Sunday and we were talking about how it has already been 11 months since he was diagnosed. We smiled and said "beatin the odds" while we "pounded it". We really have been so blessed by God to have Dad in such wonderful health. I know with all my heart God is guiding our path for good and is creating miracles in our life everyday. Thank you for supporting us while we continue to fight and see the good in this situation. Love you all, now go get your vote on!!

LASTLY- My sister Kristen was accepted into Teach for America last week!!!!!!!!! I cannot even explain how incredibly proud we are of Kristen!!!!!!! She will be based in South Carolina for two years starting next fall. Being accepted is such an honor, only 7-11% of applicants get accepted! We cannot wait to see the opportunities this brings her, we know she is going to change so many lives! Congrats Kristen!


Anonymous said...

Hi OJ and family!
So glad to read how well you're doing! You're in my thoughts and prayers.

You look so happy in the last golf group shots....know your heart is at peace and smiling too!
Take care and know how much you're loved and supported!

Melissa McNutt (PHX F/A)

Larry said...

OJ...you ARE Superman...certainly "beating the odds!" Keep up the great fight and will look forward to sharing dining adventures with you when you feel like it. larry