Hi and welcome to "A Cup of OJ"! This blog is so all of the friends and family of OJ Alexander and keep up to date through his fight against lung cancer. Thank you for stopping by and showing your support for him!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad!!! Yesterday (April 21st) was Dad's birthday, and oh what a great day we had!! Dad's BFF Kevin and Uncle John flew in this weekend which was SO wonderful, it was just non stop laughter yesterday. Dad wanted to go big this year for his birthday so we got tickets to the Joe Bonamassa concert. Before the concert we ordered in NYPD pizza and feasted like kings.

My favorite picture


We love Uncle John!

Dad and Kevin

Best bros

Happy Birthday!

Well we didn't have any ordinary experience at the concert, let me tell you! After security escorted us all to the front of the ticket line, we took our seats in the SECOND row! Oh yeah, and it was awesome. We were so close we could see Joe Bonamassa's chest hair! I am sure by now most of you are wondering who Joe Bonamassa is...because lets be honest I had never heard of him until we decided to do this. Dad likes to say he is "the next Eric Clapton", and after seeing the concert I believe it! What an incredible guitarist and singer.

So excited

At the end of the concert, Joe threw his guitar pic and Dad got it!!! So great
Dad has been taking it easy since he has been home. He is still draining fluid out of where he had the chest tube in the right lung. Anytime he laughs or coughs fluid will seep out of the wound! Better out than in :) Since it has been leaking so much we started to use maxi pads vs. gauze to cover the wound and its working great! I bet Dad never thought he would ever have to use a maxi pad hahah :) Dad had an appointment with Dr. Siever today. Everything is looking "satisfactory" but after all he went through the last few weeks that is ok. He said he needs to exercise and eat which I'm sure will help with his swelling (yes he is still swollen :( ) 

We have a few more doctor's appointments lined up the next few weeks, but until then we are taking things day by day! Each day is a blessing and one that he gains more strength than the previous day. Have a great week!

Happy birthday Daddy, we love you!!
Ps...the spot on Dad's shirt is not fluid seepage...but instead pizza grease...just another sign of a great feast :)


Ning Ridenoure said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Oj. Your smile makes my day every time I see your picture. Wish you all the best.
Ning Ridenoure

Eddie Kedia said...

Been wondering where my bud's been but was too afraid of hearing bad news... You are an inspiration, Juice, hang in there! Happy belated birthday!

You are so fortunate to have your daughter's support, and you're a smart man for keeping them away from me! :P

Give me a call when you feel up to it and I'll run down to your house and bring your clothes and bore you with my girl problems :P. It's a relief to see you're doing better, I was too afraid to find out the alternative.

Love you man,
Your Drycleaner and Friend Eddie Kedia