Hi and welcome to "A Cup of OJ"! This blog is so all of the friends and family of OJ Alexander and keep up to date through his fight against lung cancer. Thank you for stopping by and showing your support for him!

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Celebration of Life

Let's Celebrate an AMAZING Life!!

Layne has asked me to do a guest blog for her as she is in the middle of moving....so I hope you will all understand if this blog is not quite up to 'par'.

We have finalized the plans for OJ's Celebration of Life and hope you can make it and help pay tribute to OJ. It will be held Monday, July 15, 2013 from 5:00-7:00 pm at the Foothills Golf Clubhouse, 2201 E. Clubhouse Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85048. Please wear casual attire, as OJ would shake his head if everyone was dressed to the nines....especially in the Arizona Summer heat! We are asking for you to take the time to write down your favorite memory, or favorite OJ story, and make two copies. Those stories will then be put into two very large 'memory jars' - one for each of the girls.

It has been three weeks since we lost OJ and we have been overwhelmed by the amount of love, support, compassion and kindness we have been shown. Each and every card and gesture has meant the world, so thank you all for being so kind. Speaking for the three of us, we have good days, and some not so good days. One of the hardest things is learning to live with a 'new normal'.....as the past 18 months revolved around appointments, scans, chemo days and the absolute roller coaster of emotions that a cancer journey will take you through. And then suddenly, it is over. And just as suddenly, a very large part of your life is missing.....so, one day at a time, we are doing our best to move forward. I am so extremely proud of Layne and Kristen, as they are handling everything with  grace and maturity far beyond their years.....just as their Daddy would have wanted.

We hope to see you on the 15th - if you have any questions, please feel free to call. If you are unable to attend but would like to share a memory for the girls, please feel free to e-mail it to me at swastew@msn.com - I will print them and make sure Layne and Kristen have copy.

Thank you all for being such an integral part of the journey we have been on - we could not have done it without you!

Much Love,

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